Get Your AC Tuned Up For Summer☀️ and Enjoy Savings All Year Long

Happy Spring Everyone! We talked about the importance of Spring AC Tune-Ups in our last post, but today we’d like to update you on our FIVE STAR Membership Plan. If you need your AC tuned up for summer, this plan is the way to go. An annual Tune-Up is included in the $179 price (Normal tune-up: $189) and look at the huge list of other benefits the membership offers:

  • Service fees are waived

  • Receive a 15% discount on all Parts and Labor for all repairs

  • Priority scheduling- “move to the top of the list!”

  • 15% discount applies to Emergency Service

  • Regular maintenance= smoother operation so your equipment operates quieter

  • Regular maintenance prolongs the life of your equipment

  • Reduce your energy bills

  • Memberships provide good documentation that you maintain your equipment thus assisting if you decide to sell your home!

Remember, service agreements like our Five Star Membership Plan are required by most manufacturers to maintain the manufacturers parts warranty (an average heating and cooling system cycles up to 10,000 cycles per year, that’s quite a bit of wear and tear!)

Our FIVE STAR Membership Plan is a no-brainer if you need a Spring AC Tune-Up! Call 860-317-5515 today to sign up and schedule your Tune-Up!


What goes into a Spring AC Tune-Up?


The Importance of Spring AC Tune-Ups💐